We offer three styles of book: Time Traveller, Arc and Snapshots.
Which one works for you?
Time Traveller
Being able to stand back and look across the geography of a life or business gives a unique perspective and reveals engaging insights. The Time Traveller style of book takes us on a compelling journey through the years, decade by decade. Sourced from our interviews with you, plus contributions from some of your friends, family or colleagues, a Time Traveller book is crafted into a fascinating account by the Ginger Tale writing and editing team. The significant moments in your story unfold, encapsulated succinctly and warmly.
Interspersed with photographs, this gem of a book is for those who prefer a concise style.
Time Traveller facts and figures: A hard-backed book of up to 116 sides, based on five hours of interviews with you. Includes up to 45 of your photographs. Each project is costed individually. Depending on the complexity of your story, a Time Traveller book will usually take approximately four months to create and costs from £9,500, which can be paid in instalments. You receive 15 printed and beautifully bound copies of your Time Traveller story.
An Arc Life story follows the big themes that span the whole arc of your life, in depth. As you recount your memories and anecdotes, the Ginger Tale writing and editing team curates your stories, finding those themes, to create a fascinating book that gives a real sense of your character and your passions as well as the key events in your life.
Or it may be that the story of a particular aspect of your life deserves to be comprehensively told; whether that is running a charity, your world travels, or charting a career on the stage.
Your interviews drive the story, perhaps interwoven with thoughtful insights from some of your close friends and family. We leaven an Arc Life book with the Ginger Tale secret recipe for the unexpected - that could include short dramatised scenes that bring a few of the key stories to life or intriguing ‘splashes of colour’ that reveal just how you tick.
Rich with photographs, an Arc Life book is not just a record of events, but a perceptive, eclectic and beautiful treasure trove.
Arc life facts and figures: A hard-backed book of up to 170 sides, based on 12 hours of interviews with you and featuring contributions from family. It could also include dramatised scenes or insight sections, and up to 60 of your photographs. Depending on the complexity of your story and the elements you would like included, an Arc book will usually take six to seven months to create. Each project is priced individually, with costs starting from £25,000, which can be paid in instalments. You receive twenty-five printed and beautifully bound copies of your Arc story.
Arc Business story. Any business has its own story, whether it is an established name that opened its doors a century ago, or a tiny start-up that went from back bedroom to entrepreneurial success story in a few short years. No dusty tale of balance sheets and fine print, this: as the human stories of the triumphs, the disasters and the lessons learnt are told by some of the people involved, the Ginger Tale team discover and write up the emerging themes, curating those stories to give an in-depth sense of the business journey.
We leaven the style of the book with the Ginger Tale secret recipe for the unexpected - that could include short dramatised scenes that bring a few of the key stories to life or intriguing ‘splashes of colour’ that reveal the ethos and motivation behind your company.
Rich with photographs, an Arc Business book is not just a record of events, but a perceptive, eclectic and beautiful treasure trove.
Arc Business facts and figures: A hard-backed book of up to 170 sides, based on 12 hours of interviews with you and featuring contributions from colleagues. It could also include dramatised scenes or insight sections, and up to 60 of your photographs. Depending on the complexity of your story and the elements you would like included, an Arc book will usually take six to seven months to create. Each project is priced individually, with costs starting from £25,000, which can be paid in instalments. You receive twenty-five printed and beautifully bound copies of your Arc story.
Perhaps, rather than follow the trajectory of your whole life, you want to put down on paper a few precious personal memories or family stories, that were formative, memorable or that just make you smile. A short Snapshots book does just that: it might include the anecdote of how your partner-to-be bumped into you on the dodgems at a funfair; the story of how your great-grandfather played in the orchestra on the Titanic; how you were in the County athletics squad at school; or the recipe for your aunt’s legendary lemon drizzle cake. These are the human stories that make up the oral history of a family or a person, gathered together in a short book for you and yours, so future generations can make that amazing lemon drizzle cake in years to come.
Or maybe you want just the edited highlights about your business, rather than the whole story. Perhaps a succinct anecdote about how an entrepreneurial ancestor founded the company all those generations ago; a tale of resilience during the pandemic; or how the company’s pogo stick race raised record funds for local community projects. These snapshots are the stories that make up the personality of a business, gathered together in a short book for you, your staff and the wider community.
Snapshots facts and figures: A softback book of up to 60 sides, based on up to eight of your anecdotes from three hours of interviews with you. Includes up to 17 of your photographs. A Snapshots book will usually take two to three months to create and costs from £5,000, which can be paid in instalments. You receive ten printed and beautifully bound copies of your Snapshots story.